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SPEAC Receives Awards from Amazon China for Product Safety and Compliance Education

SPEAC Strengthens Cooperation with Amazon China and Zhejiang Institute of Standardisation to Enhance Product Safety Education for Chinese Exporting Online Sellers.

Mr Gianluca Ghiara, the Team Leader of SPEAC II, recently participated in a meeting with a delegation from Amazon China and the Zhejiang Institute of Standardisation (ZIS) in Beijing. The meeting was attended by representatives from the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) and the EU Delegation to China. During the meeting, all parties expressed a strong desire to continue and expand the cooperation established during SPEAC I.

To better inform Chinese online sellers about EU product safety rules and regulations, SPEAC II, Amazon China, and ZIS agreed to develop an internal series of training in product safety and compliance. They also agreed to engage in the organisation of high-level meetings to support ongoing EU-China policy dialogue and to promote the existing SPEAC education materials (SPEAC Finder and SPEAC Academy) to a larger audience.

At the event, Amazon China presented SPEAC II with two awards in Product Safety and Compliance Education: the 2022 Amazon Special Supporting Partner Award and the 2022 Amazon Full Satisfaction Award.

With SPEAC phase 2 underway, a series of meetings will be organised with the project’s key stakeholders to introduce new plans and activities.

For more information, please visit the SPEAC website or follow the SPEAC WeChat Account.