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Module L – Specific Directives, regulations and other requirements

What additional rules might apply?

There is no single reference document, piece of legislation or standard that can be consulted which contains all the provisions relevant to the sale of a specific consumer product. Many important requirements may be set out in a variety of provisions.


This module intends to help to fully understand the breadth of the EU requirements on consumer product safety, and to identify these additional requirements.

Learning outcomes

Through attending this module, participants will gain an understanding of the Directives and standards which may be relevant in addition to product specific requirements:

  • The range of laws and standards that interact to protect consumers.
  • The implications of related requirements dealing with hazardous substances, packaging, waste, such as REACH, ROHS, WEEE.
  • The implications arising from market surveillance requirements including new upcoming requirements, e.g. that exporters must have a representative in the EU.
  • How these requirements are enforced by market surveillance authorities.

Tags, sub-topics, combination with other modules

Overall legal framework. General product safety. ‘Horizontal’ requirements. Specific pieces of legislation in the fields of waste, packaging and hazardous substances. New upcoming EU legislation.

  • This module can be used stand-alone or in combination with other modules related to exporting products to the EU in general and/or sector specific, and to conformity assessment.