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Module I – Extended producer responsibilities

Who is to ensure product safety in the EU market?

The system of the free market economy puts the primary responsibility for products, in terms of safety, quality and price, on the economic operators. EU legislation places responsibilities and duties on all those in the chain of distribution, including the manufacturer, importer and distributor.


This module will help Chinese business and their business partners in the EU to understand their responsibilities and what needs to be done.

Learning outcomes

Through attending this module, participants will:

  • Understand the legal responsibilities of all those in the chain of distribution, i.e. manufacturers, importers and distributors
  • Understand what the involved businesses need to do in a practical sense to comply with the rules.
  • Know about upcoming requirements in the future to export to the EU market.
  • Know about Chinese requirements for companies exporting to the EU.

Tags, sub-topics, combination with other modules

Responsibilities of manufacturers, importers and distributors. Routes to conformity. Labelling and traceability.

  • This module can be used stand-alone or in combination with other modules related to exporting products to the EU in general and/or sector specific.