On November 20th, SPEAC, in collaboration with China Association for Consumer Products Quality and Safety Promotion (CPQS), Amazon and REACH24H Consulting Group (REACH24H), organised a successful webinar on EU Requirements on Chemical Compliance. The event attracted over 600 online viewers and raised awareness among Chinese companies regarding chemical risks in their products and enhanced product quality in this aspect.

Orsolya Csorba, Counsellor of the EU Delegation to China, delivered an opening speech during the training session. She introduced the mission of the EU-funded SPEAC project and emphasized the importance of reducing chemical risks to ensure consumer safety.
Yun Deng, Senior Product Safety Expert at SPEAC, delivered an informative presentation on Chemical Safety of Selling Non-food Consumer Goods to the EU. His presentation delved into various aspects, including product chemical safety issues identified in the EU, specific concerns related to chemical safety, EU requirements and obligations, as well as practical solutions for companies.

Jerry LU, Head of Amazon China’s Product Safety and Compliance Department, introduced Amazon’s requirements for chemical management. Additionally, Meili QIAN, Senior Expert of REACH24H, provided insights into the latest developments of the EU CLP regulation and the interpretation of the notification of the toxicology testing centre.
The webinar also featured the presence of Gianluca Ghiara, Team Leader, and Kaiming Liu, Key Expert, from SPEAC, who introduced the project and showcased useful IT tools to the audience to learn about EU Product safety rules.
To further expand your knowledge of EU regulations, we encourage you to visit the SPEAC Academy at https://speac-academy.eu/.