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SPEAC conducted the webinar on avoiding hazards for kids by childcare products

The EU-funded project, SPEAC, conducted jointly with EMTEK Group and the China Certification & Inspection Group Guangdong (CCIC) a webinar on “Avoiding hazards for kids in relation to childcare products” on 13 October 2021.

The 90-minutes online training was moderated by SPEAC Team Leader Gerhard Weihs. EMTEK Overseas BD Manager Ms. Mine SAN and General Manager of CCIC Foshan Branch Mr. CHEN Jingchao delivered the opening speeches. The Presentations by SPEAC senior experts Mr. Richard SARGEANT and Dr. Deng Yun covered:

  • Overview of product safety problems of childcare products found in the EU
  • Managing risks in product safety
  • Manufacturers’ safety obligations when supplying to the EU
  • Managing risks in relation to specific technical standards (case studies on soothers, drinking equipment and feeding utensils, etc.)

About 400 participants from manufacturers and related institutions on toys and juvenile products across China viewed the live broadcasting. Together with John Lawrance and support from the European Commisison, the training experts answered a dozen of questions raised by the audiences.

The recorded webinar can be streamed on the SPEAC website: More information, please visit the SPEAC website or follow the SPEAC WeChat Account.