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SPEAC Co-organised the Webinar on the safety of Toy & Baby Products

The EU-funded SPEAC project cooperated with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA), China Association for Consumer Products Quality and Safety Promotion (CPQS) and Amazon China, as well as Basel Convention APAC Centre, Stockholm Convention APAC Centre for Capacity Building and Technology Transfer, and the Intertek group, to conduct the webinar, titled as “Toy & Baby Product Compliance and Risk Assessment” on 6 January 2022. This webinar was organized in Shenzhen and was live broadcasted online. About 500 participants from the manufacturers and merchants of toy and baby products attended.

The webinar focused the Compliance and risk assessment for chemicals in toy and baby products. China is the biggest manufacturer and supplier of toy and baby products in the world, a vast majority of toys sold in Europe is imported from China. In these product categories, chemical risk is one of the most common risks notified by the Safety Gate alerts. The webinar invited experts from the UNEP, SPEAC, Intertek group, University of Michigan of USA, who introduced the product compliance requirements, especially for chemical management policies of China, United States, EU and Japan. Mrs. Orsolya CSORBA, counsellor at the Delegation of the European Union to China, made the opening remarks, and Dr. DENG Yun from SPEAC delivered the training presentation on how to comply with the EU rules and keep children safe.

The recorded webinar can be streamed on the SPEAC website: More information, please visit the SPEAC website or follow the SPEAC WeChat Account.